Wednesday, November 24, 2010


More importantly, Thanksgiving Eve. Fellas - if there was ever a time to step your game up, it is tonight. Millions of 18-25 year old college pussy flock to every local bar, everywhere. Take advantage.

Welcome to the jungle, disguised as Thanksgiving Eve.

Remember the following:

Dress: Wear antyhing that doesn't scream " I am a tool bag." If your tee-shirt looks like it would comfortably fit your younger sister, invest in anything other than that. Here, now you already have a step up on the competetion. Just remember to keep it grown.

Drinks: Your drink should refelct your mood. If your drink resembles any color in the rainbow, you may already be two fruits too deep. Remember clear or brown for mixed and cant go wrong with a beer. Dont worry about what type of Beer you're drinking, thats one thing women are not allowed to criticize.

Dance: Dancing is a great way to show a girl you have 1. balls, and 2. a sense of humor. It can also be eroticly stimulating which is a good indication of what might come later. If you can't dance, don't. Tonights not the night to give it a shot.

Conversation: Eye contact. Smile (Only if you know you have a nice smile. You should know.) Dont waste any time with pick up lines. the best line is a friendly introduction whats your name, my name is etc. Keep it light and interesting, please refrain from making jersey shore references and drinking stories. Keep it in the present if you want to get to the future.

Sealing the deal - the rest is up to you.

Follow these few rules and remember... 

Tonights the night to get it right : get it right, get it tight.

Good luck my friends.